About Hannah Hunter

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So far Hannah Hunter has created 12 blog entries.

Jobs for Nature

Jobs for Nature In 2021 Puketi Forest Trust was the proud recipient of a Jobs for Nature grant from DOC.  The programme has two very clear aims, firstly to increase the pest control work that we can carry out in the forest and secondly, to provide jobs, training and experience for local people to move into conservation work in the long term. Jobs for Nature

Jobs for Nature2022-09-05T16:08:25+12:00

Puketi Forest Trust team powhiri

A special day for the team The Jobs for Nature team at Puketi Forest Trust were hugely privileged to have been welcomed to the rohe of Ngati Toro in a powhiri at Piki-Te-Aroha marae. The marae is nestled in the foothills of the forest at Rahiri very close to where we have set up our pest control base. The pest control kaimahi had been waiting

Puketi Forest Trust team powhiri2022-09-09T10:33:32+12:00
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