Because Puketi is not an island and a pest-proof fence would not be practicable, pests cannot be permanently eradicated from Puketi at present. The restoration work we are doing now will need to continue for the foreseeable future. Technology and other improvements are likely to reduce the cost over time, but it still represents a significant future commitment.
In 2008, the trustees established the Puketi Forest Capital Fund, to accept donations and bequests that will be held in perpetuity, providing investment income to secure the restoration of Puketi long term. Money held in the fund is not used for day to day operations of the Trust, but is invested to provide a sustainable income to maintain long term pest control. Income of the Trust is tax free because of our charitable status.
Since May 2017, the fund is now known as the “Puketi Forest Endowment Fund” and is managed by the Northland Community Foundation on behalf of Puketi Forest Trust, under a memorandum of understanding between these two parties.
Northland Community Foundation is one of 17 community foundations in New Zealand and a charitable trust in its own right. It is an endowment specialist, providing a vehicle for people to leave a lasting gift (donation or bequest) to community groups in Northland, including Puketi Forest Trust. Northland Community Foundation will accept donations and bequests on behalf of Puketi Forest Trust and promote the fund in conjunction with its wider fund raising activities.
The fund is pooled with other funds administered by Northland Community Foundation but accounted separately. Pooling allows more efficient investment in a diverse portfolio, which is expected to give higher and more stable returns in the long term. Funds are managed to careful investment strategies, to preserve capital and optimise long term returns. Income from the fund (interest and dividends) will be distributed annually to Puketi Forest Trust, although the trustees intend to allow income to accumulate until the fund has reached a size that can contribute significantly to ongoing operating costs.
Security of the fund is provided by the Trust Deeds of Puketi Forest Trust and Northland Community Foundation, which are registered under the Charitable Trusts Act 1957.
To Donate to the Fund:
You can send us your donation by one of the following methods. We will add your donation to the fund.
Direct Credit by internet banking or deposit at a Westpac branch – click here for details
On Line by credit card – click here for details
Donations and bequests can also be given directly to Northland Community Foundation, specifying that it is for the Puketi Forest Endowment Fund.
Donations made either way will qualify for a tax rebate. Receipts are issued for all donations.
Bequests contribute significantly to our long-term financial sustainability, and the trustees are grateful to all of our donors who have already remembered the Puketi Forest Trust in their estate planning. If you would like to contribute to the fund through your will, talk to your solicitor first. For more information, contact Northland Community Foundation, or our trustee Jo Baguley at Atlas Legal in Kerikeri, phone 09 401 6537.