Annual General Meeting
The Puketi Forest Trust AGM will be held at 3.30pm on November 25th 2023 at Kingston House in Kerikeri. All members are welcomed and encouraged to attend. We need at least 10 people to attend to achieve quorum, and last year’s AGM had to be abandoned due to lack of attendance – so please show up! This AGM is being held just before our 20th anniversary celebration dinner in the same location (details below).
DATE: Saturday November 25th 2023
TIME: 3.30pm
VENUE: Kingston House, Hone Heke Road, Kerikeri
ONLINE PARTICIPATION: Zoom – email toby.r@puketi.org.nz for details.
20th Anniversary celebratory dinner
The Trust would to celebrate our 20 years of awakening Puketi with a fundraising dinner to be held in Kerikeri.
This will be held just after our AGM on the 25th November at Kingston House, Hone Heke Road in Kerikeri, from 6pm – 9pm
Tickets will be $80 per person, and all proceeds will go into the trust for the continued preservation of the forest.
For tickets, email caleb.t@puketi.org.nz or call Toby on 0275486297 before November 18th