How to Join

The rules of incorporation of the Trust provide that “Any person who or any group or organisation, including any family group, which agrees with the purposes of the Trust may, subject to the Board’s approval, become a member of the Trust by application in writing and upon payment of a subscription (if any).”

At the present time, no separate subscription has been set. Membership is granted to anyone who makes an annual donation of NZ $10 or more.

Click here for more information on how to donate.

Kauri canopy, Puketi Forest
Toutouwai release in Puketi, 2009

Membership Benefits and Activities

Members receive the Trust newsletter, which is issued two or three times each year. They are entitled to vote at general meetings of the Trust, to elect trustees and to accept nomination to the Board of Trustees.

Members are encouraged to attend the Annual General Meeting if they are able and are invited to occasional social events, such as open days where the activities of the Trust are discussed and presented to the wider community.

Members who live near the forest are invited and encouraged to join working bees and to volunteer for other tasks from time to time to assist the work of the Trust.