PUKETI BLOG2022-09-08T14:57:11+12:00


News and updates from the forest and our team working to protect and restore the ecosystems it homes.

Single image of people walking

Farewell John Dawn

Photo John teaching the Jobs for Nature kaimahi compass and map skills Farewell John Dawn John first joined the Trust in approximately 2006.  His father, John Dawn Senior,


Photo credit Auckland Zoo Taurepo One of my favourite plants is taurepo (Rhabdothamnus solandri) or the New Zealand gloxinia.  From a distance it is a pretty non-descript small,

Trustees Wanted

Trustees Wanted There are a few vacancies on the Board of Trustees and nominations will be welcomed.  The job is not onerous, particularly now that Hannah and Paul

Kiwi Monitoring 2022

Kiwi Monitoring 2022 Ian Wilson is supposed to have retired, but he kindly agreed to organise kiwi listening again this year.  During May and June, twelve Trust volunteers

Jobs for Nature

Jobs for Nature In 2021 Puketi Forest Trust was the proud recipient of a Jobs for Nature grant from DOC.  The programme has two very clear aims, firstly

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