Trustees Wanted
There are a few vacancies on the Board of Trustees and nominations will be welcomed. The job is not onerous, particularly now that Hannah and Paul are here to manage day to day running of the Trust. At a seminar on fundraising and charity governance a while ago, we were given a rule of thumb that trustees should expect to contribute up to two days per month. Nor is it a job for life. Regular rotation of trustees is important to bring in new ideas and approaches and keep the team of board members fresh. The Trust benefits from a wide range of skills and experience among the trustees. Suitable trustees will have an enthusiasm for protecting our natural heritage and one or more of: good community connections, experience in governance or business management, fundraising experience, experience in conservation pest control, or a professional background of any kind.
The rules of the Trust require that nomination for a position on the Board shall be in writing, signed in consent by the nominee and given to the secretary (Tricia Hodgson, not less than 24 hours before the AGM. Trustees are then elected by Trust members at the AGM. If there are insufficient nominations to fill vacant positions, oral nominations may be received at the AGM, provided than no one shall be elected who has not consented. The Board may also co-opt further trustees to fill casual vacancies until the next AGM.