Puketi Forest Trust, restoring and protecting the native wildlife, trees and plants of Puketi Forest in Northland, New Zealand.


Single image of people walking

Join the Adventure!

The Puketi Forest Kauri Challenge is back for 2025!

Choose from a 12km or 21km challenge walk through some of the most spectacular parts of Puketi Forest. River crossings, dense forest and incredible views all add to this memorable experience.


This is not a walk for the feint hearted… a good level of fitness and some tramping experience are required. Are you up to the challenge?!

Enter for 2025 with the form on the right –>

How it works…

Step one

Read all the info below and if you are still keen you can. If you have any queries please do get in touch

Step two

Decide which route you want to do … click for more details about the routes to help you decide whether to register for the 12km or the 21km.

Entries for the 21 km option will be received, with payment, up to 9pm on Friday 24th January.

Entries for the 12 km option must be received, with payment, by 5 pm on Wednesday 22nd January 2025. <ENTRIES NOW CLOSED>

Fill out the form to the right, submit it and make payment on the following page.

Step Three

We will send you a confirmation of your place and full details of what happens on the day, what kit you will need to bring and how it all works. Also, consider setting up a Givealittle Fundraising page incase you think you might be able to ask friends to support you by making a donation to Puketi Forest Trust. You don’t have to do this – it’s an optional extra.

Step Four

Get ready… both distances are challenging! You might like to train a little by getting out on some walks in the lead in to the big day.

What to expect…

Join us for one of the best day walks in Northland! We all gather together at the start at the Puketi Forest Campground. 21km walkers set of from here and the 12km walkers get transported by 4WD to their start point further along the track. Take the walk at your own pace. The wonderful volunteers from Land Search and Rescue will be keeping an eye on you at points along the way and we all finish with a picnic welcome Forest Pools. We then have optional transport back to your cars at Puketi Forest Campground.

$65 donation – Full 21km tramp

$75 donation – 12km tramp including 4WD drive transport to start

$10 donation Optional return shuttle from Forest Pools back to the Puketi Recreation Area starting line

A good level of fitness and tramping experience is required. Participants must be prepared to carry all of their own gear and sustain up to 9 hours of tramping for the 21km option and 7 hours for the shorter option. This event is not suitable for young children.

Once you have clicked the submit button above, you can use the ‘Pay Now’ link to make the payment to Puketi Forest Trust.



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